Solidarity with the anarchist Kostas Sakkas

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About the K. Sakkas’s hunger strike from 4/6

That’s another day nearer to victory. I thought feeling very hungry.  I was a skeleton compared to what I used to be but it didn’t matter. Nothing really mattered except remaining unbroken. I rolled over once against, the cold biting at me. They have nothing in their entire imperial arsenal to break the spirit of one single Republican political prisoner-of-war who refuses to be broken. I thought, and that eas very true. They can not or never will break our spirit. I rolled over again freezing and the snow came in thew window on top of my blankets.

“Tiocfaidh ár lá,” I said to myself. “Tiocfaidh ar lá.” Bobby sands

On the 4th of December 2010, the anarchists K Sakkas, G. Karagiannidis, A. Mitrousias , S. Antwniou, X. Politis and D. Michail are arrested in Athens and Crete. Their arrests are followed by ELAS-police raids on houses, while arms are located. These operations don’t lack media coverage, not even for a minute: breaking news glorifying the dogma of “zero tolerance to terrorism”, once again they publish photos of comrades. Therefore, having already established the appropriate climate for the confirmation of the charge “unknown terrorist organization”, with which they are charged, they imprison them. A few months later, after the anarchists C. Politis and D. Michail had been released, cops-judges-prosecutors upgrade the charges, attributing to the first four comrades participation in the revolutionary organization CCF, a charge which they deny.

Nowadays, the repressive mechanisms, in their effort to keep more and more fighters captured in prisons, implement tactics beyond the typical ones: they “legitimate” DNA as a basic evidence of acusation; they use the action of r.o CCF as a “cover” to accuse any anarchist they arrest of participating in the organization, resulting in the accumulation of pre-trial detentions, in more months in prison and eventually when they have expended all the above, they expand the “legal time limit” that they had set as the maximum remand time, by adding up extra prison time without further explanations …

So, the anarchist K. Sakkas, although imprisoned for 2,5 years without trial, although having served the two remands that they had imposed him, is still in prison after the proposal of the prosecutor Moraitakis for a 6-month extension of his remand.

The comrade has been on hunger strike since Tuesday 4th of June, demanding his immediate release.

Demanding his freedom and not begging for it from snitches, cops or judges.

Putting his own body forward in the struggle for the destruction of the authority constraints.

Continuing the struggle for individual and collective liberation, from inside the prison bars.

A struggle which under prison circumstances, as it is well known, has to confront not only the physical fixation, the exemplary “punishment”, but also the condition of direct surveillance and systematic control. So that the possibilities and the chances of attack can be eliminated all along, restricting thus the means that the imprisoned fighters have for its realization.

From the hunger strike, the mutiny, the prison meal abstention, the breakouts, the burning wings, to the whistles and the joined shouting to the solidarity gatherings outside of prisons, the struggle of all those who rise up, fight, revolt is common. Besides, the simple expression of this struggle and its spreading to the roads, squats, demos, clashes, revolts, to the prison roofs, wherever the revolutionary perspective can blossom, through texts, posters,  slogans, sabotage, determined offensive steps, bring us a step closer to the human and nature liberation.

On the other hand, in a condition that the economic and social affluence, which the state agencies were dreaming about, are collapsing and at the moment that their fear against those who don’t accept being submissive is growing more and more, we are witnessing a desperate attempt of control and repression: years of conviction for anarchist prisoners, collection of genetic material from the struggling people in Skouries, legal, technological, ideological upgrade of their arsenal, evictions of squatted places, promotion of fascist behavior in the light of the “menacing rising of the two extremes”.

All the above could remain mere events of an endless list narrating the repressive moves, if we didn’t focus onthe strength that is pumped through solidarity. And especially through continual and critical solidarity, far from charitable logic, that will occasionally speak either about tortures of anarchists/prisoners, or about health risks of our comrades.

Because if we don’t realize the necessity of existence of common anti-hierarchical and anti-authoritarian struggles, if we don’t interlink our struggles, if we don’t create jointly the plan for the destruction of the society-prison, if finally we don’t stand together, ruthless and at the same time flexible against the capitalist machine, we will continue to replicate the condition of slavery they want to impose on us.

From Chile, Sweden and Turkey to Korydallos

Let’s destroy the borders-lets break the walls of the society-prison,

Let’s transfer the spark of rebellion

Let’s take back the imprisoned fighters


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